Thursday, June 2, 2016


© by Gordon Adair
Laminitis / founder stance
Laminitis is defined as inflammation of the laminae. There can be many degrees of inflammation, you may not realize your horse had an episode until you see a heat ring around the hoof wall at a later date. In a serious case, one hoof is affected, then with the transfer of weight to the opposite hoof, that hoof will become inflamed, then the crisscross hind foot from the origin hoof will inflame when left untreated. The highest heel is often the origin hoof.

The laminae is the connective tissue that connects the external hoof wall and the coffin bone inside the hoof.
Cooling the laminae immediately is very important to avoid damage. Daily movement, 24/7, can reduce the inflammation.

The coffin bone is the bone closest to the ground inside the hoof capsule. The other names used to describe the coffin bone are; P3, third phalanx, and pedal bone.
Laminitis / founder is the second leading cause of euthanasia of horses next to colic. This could lead us to believe that the success ratio of recovery from laminitis / founder is very low using traditional methods.
A deformed coffin bone from chronic founder

Founder is the nautical word for sinking and is often used to describe the damage that resulted from the inflammation. e.g. sinking of the coffin bone. Founder is considered the effects of laminitis as the condition remains unsolved. e.g. Separation of hoof wall and the coffin bone from the laminae, damage to other internal components, and hoof capsule deformity. Founder and laminitis are often used to describe the same condition, people will favor one word over the other. The disagreement of the word use of laminitis and founder is another result of the frustration of unsuccessful treatments.

Acute is the early period of the condition.

Chronic is when the condition continues uncorrected over a period of time.

The coffin bone rotation is mechanical
 because of the hight heels

Mechanical is used to state the possible cause of the inflammation and rotation is a high heel. The damage is the same as true rotation. In my experience mechanical laminitis is eighty percent of coffin bone rotations. Redesigning the hoof capsule can restore mechanical laminitis horses to full use.
The sole is the con-caved material on the underside of the hoof between the outer hoof wall and the frog.

Possible damage of laminitis / founder
Downward rotation of the tip of the coffin bone. Coffin bone rotation can break through the sole. Uncorrected swelling can cause the sole to tear and cause the belief that the coffin bone has penetrated the sole. The swelling can also cause the shedding of the hoof capsule. Sinking downward of the coffin bone, which is called a "sinker." Damage to tissues and blood vessels. Impair the growth mechanisms, causing abnormal growth. e.g. flat or convex sole, heat rings around hoof wall, separation between the hoof wall, sole, and laminae.

Tear in sole from swelling
Unnatural feed for horses: Synthetic, high sugar, protein, spoiled feeds. Over heated conditions; fever, improper cooling after hard work, hot day without movement, over weight. Confinement / lack of movement Chemicals poisons Toxins Infections Drugs Metabolic conditions of the internal material; lack of blood flow, gasses, internal damage. Colic Fertilized pastures. Shoes; because they decrease blood flow and increase shock on hard ground and jumping. Improper or lack of timely trimming. Excessive weighting of a sound leg because of a nonbearing injured leg.

The hoof and leg are warmer to the touch then the others. Lameness / limping on any ground surface. Surface sensitivity. lameness / limping on concrete or gravel. Transferring weight from one front leg to the other, as if the horse is standing on a hot surface. Laying down for long periods to relieve hoof pressure. A typical stance for a Laminitis / founder horse is extending the front legs forward to de-weight pressure on the toe region to the heels. The hind legs are also extended forward under the body to carry the weight transfer from the front to the hind. Laying down is a sign of the other hooves becoming affected. Using hoof testers will show response in the toe region in front of the frog. Coffin bone pressure can be seen on the sole of the bottom of the foot. Swelling of; the leg upwards to the knee, cornet band, and the sole causing less concavity or even con-vexing the sole. Heat rings around the hoof capsule. Sinking of the hoof capsule down onto it's self. The outer wall separating with white-line stretching. High heels.

Change the cause, fix the affects, and let your horse heal! Educate yourself by researching the different methods and treatments available. Care for the horse in the most natural way nature intended. Discontinue feeding "hot feeds." Switch to grass and grass only hay, no grains, sugar feeds, or alfalfa. Cooling of the hoof and leg. Movement. Blood flows in and out of the leg during movement. The blood flow works as a; coolant, detox, and repairs the damage. Barefoot trim to maximize the blood flow and ground to frog support. Bute or herbs to manage pain for decreased human and horse stress and improving movement. Blood flow will fix the damage. Use a grazing muzzle until weight and toxins are brought under control.

You Are The Decision Maker And Care Giver
There are different methods and treatments you will need to research, you must be comfortable with the direction you choose. There is no time for mistakes so, don't trust on blind faith. Instead, question your professionals on whether they have experience, what is their success ratio, and ask to see the cases. Each person will have a different interpretation of a recovered horse. I have seen so called "recovered horses" who were still in a chronic condition. Ask what is your horse's chance of total recovery. You will be surprised with the answers. You must understand and agree with the procedures. Opinions based without knowledge is why so many horses are euthanized. The number one cause of delayed or failure to recover in my cases is the owners opinions on "recovery care" for their horses. The recovery care is fifty percent of the recovery. Your professional must be able to explain why everything is being done. Avoid additional harm! Your horse doesn't need any more pain or material to repair.

Care for the horse in which nature intended. People often say, "the horse is the worst designed animal!" The horse is a poor design for human captivity but, not for living in nature. Horses are perfectly designed for eating grass as they travel great distances in a day. Movement is the horse's greatest prevention and healer of health problems!

The USDA study conducted in 1998, found 2.1% of the recorded population of horses had or were suffering from laminitis in the prior twelve months which, 4.8% had to be put to sleep. Of an estimated 8 million horses in the US would make 168,000 cases in a year, and 8,064 of those horses would have to be put to sleep. There was no mention of recovery rate or degree of recovery.

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