Sunday, February 7, 2016

Analyzing A Radiograph Of A Horses Foot With A Deformed Coffin Bone

© By Gordon Adair
Professional barefoot horse trimmer

Below is a radiograph that I was asked to evaluate for an owner, and I often see in my barefoot trimming business showing a deformed coffin bone, high heel, long toe, and thin sole. I’ll describe what I see and how I try to help the horses. This is based on the radiograph only, another evaluation is done on a visual of the hoof.

Above is a deformed coffin bone and below is a normal coffin bone for comparison. 

Above the blue line shows the near ground level base of the coffin bone.

Below the blue lines shows the different angle bases of the coffin bone. 

The coffin bone over time will deform to help support the skeleton system of the horse. The two blue lines to the left show the front of the coffin bone deformed for a ground parallel support, and the blue line at the right shows the original bottom base.

Above is a video that discusses this coffin bone condition  ( Coffin bone deformity and heel height )

 Below is a human comparison of what happens to horses.

Trimming to help the horse

The yellow line is an estimated cut line to lower the heel of the original angle of the base to ground parallel.
No trimming should be done forward of the yellow line, this area needs to grow downward to lengthen the yellow line angle.

 I placed the red line angle off the cornet to determine the proper toe angle. The hoof to the left of the red line shows a stretched toe that needs to be backed up over trims for proper break over.

Above is a video that discusses this stretched toe condition 

Always trim to keep all concavity on the bottom of the foot. A specialist should be contacted for this problem.

Gordon Adair began his professional career in 1977 learning horse training and farrier work. Applying his training and farrier knowledge Gordon has developed a successful trimming system that aids in training performance and rehabilitating lameness, founder, laminitis, and navicular. Gordon Adair barefoot horse trimming business is in the Ocala Florida area.


  1. Trimming to the yellow line would make this horse very sore and give the hoof a negative Palmer angle...the middle blue line shows what this horse is asking for, the angle and heel height are fine for now. What is really needed here is to move break over back...I would try to place it between your red line and the tip of the the coffin bone. The radiograph is not clear enough to be sure but it looks like there is too much pathogen infection in the white line...this needs to be controlled.

    1. By my guess, the coffin bone “ground parallel” is the right blue line, I determined this by: the contrast of the rear coffin bone, the part of the bone that isn’t deformed, seen in the redline photo, the yellow line is following the frog angle that can be seen due to inflammation and lack of concavity, the cornet band contrast angle hoping for 30 degree angle, and the heel contrast of the natural cut angle, indicate by the yellow line.

      The two left blue lines indicate the coffin bone deformity angle caused by the high heel to reduce pain and internal damage. This is explained in my high heel video above. This bone deformity reduces blood flow through the coffin bone and surrounding area and the support of the bone structure.

      All problems have a cause and effect. This horse’s lameness, inflammation, and the bone and hoof deformity is caused by “high heel and low toe concavity”. The low toe concavity is the effect of the hoof weight being too far forward on the toe, caused by the hight heel. This continuous bone and hoof capsule deformity is the effect of the high heel that must stop and the deformed hoof capsule needs to be redesigned.

      All the trimming videos on myYouTube page where trimmed in this similar method so, you can see how it works in different cases.

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